Resident Services

Helping Our Residents Succeed
Avenue offers programs and services to people living in our multi-family housing. These services help residents gain the education, financial know-how, and job skills they need to succeed. Our aim is to support residents in reaching their personal and professional goals.
To provide these valuable programs, Avenue works with community partners like Books Between Kids, the Children’s Museum of Houston, Common Threads, the Houston Public Library, Second Servings of Houston, With Helping Hands, and the YMCA.
For Adult Residents
We make it easy for residents to know what’s available by delivering program schedules directly to their doors each month and posting them in shared community areas. Best of all, these programs are completely free for residents to join. Services may vary depending on location.
Resources, Referrals & Partnerships
Residents can schedule a one-on-one meeting with their property instructor to get information about the following resources:
- Health Services
- Food Distributions
- Application Assistance
- Rent & Utility Assistance
- Homebuyer Education Classes
- Down Payment Assistance
- Workforce Development & Job Search
- Adult Education (GED & ESL)
- Substance Abuse Prevention & Recovery
- Mental Health Counseling
- Computer Training & Skills
- Disability Training
- & More!
Youth Out-of-School Programs
Avenue helps young people keep learning even when they’re not in school. We focus on Early Childhood Development by offering activities that let kids learn and have fun in a safe place.
STEAM Enrichment Education
- Creative Corner: engagement in art projects and activities
- Crazy Science: interaction with the world of science through a variety of experiments
- Tutoring: access to one-on-one tutoring services and homework help during any out-of-school session.
- Children’s Museum of Houston Partnership: a kit-based program including math, science and cultural activities. Participants receive free family passes for the Children’s Museum of Houston.
Health & Wellbeing
- Fun Fitness: activities aimed at improving health and fitness, while developing teambuilding skills, sportsmanship and other social skills.
- Helping Hands: free well-balanced meals offered on-site Monday-Friday for resident youth ages 0-17
Onsite Little Free Libraries
- A Little Free Library is a “take a book, return a book” free book exchange, playing an essential role in children’s literacy by providing 24/7 access to books in communities where books are scarce.
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are always needed and appreciated to help with food distribution, classrooms and other events.
Many of our programs would not be successful without the time and energy donated by volunteers. Contact 832.479.7494 or for volunteer opportunities.